fruit tree care tips

Fruit Tree Care Tips – How to Take Care of Fruit Trees

Gardening is one of the oldest professions known to mankind. Yet, it is also one of the most difficult ones out there. A slight error in judgment can cause a tree to have stunted growth, zero blossoms, or ever die. So, a clear knowledge of fruit tree care tips is necessary before you go about creating your own orchard.

How to Care for Fruit Trees?

Fruit trees, like any other trees, require a few basic care which is essential in their maintenance. Along with that, they also require some specific care which is integral to the entire process of caring for fruit trees.

So let us now have a look at some of the important tips on how to take care of fruit trees.

Basic Fruit Tree Care Tips

While choosing a path of land to start your orchard, there are some factors that you need to take into consideration to ensure that your fruit trees receive an environment primed for their growth and development.


Fruit trees usually thrive in soils that receive an adequate amount of water but at the same time do not face issues of water-logging. Most soil types drain enough water to promote a healthy growth of fruit trees.

However, if you are working with clay, then make sure to implement ⅓ peat while you work to ensure there is no water-logging. It is best advised to avoid full-clay soils along with areas that have poor drainage facilities. If you have a heavy soil, you can build a mound on top of it and then plant the tree on it to ensure its healthy growth.


Fruit trees, or any trees for that matter, thrive in sunlight. So when you are choosing a spot for your future orchard, ensure that the place that you choose is going to get at least half a day’s worth of sunlight.


Carefully planning the space between the trees while planting is strongly recommended. Else you will end up with a hopscotch of sorts with none of the trees getting an adequate amount of resources for survival or you will start the growth of a ‘jungle-esque’ path instead of the beautiful orchard you had in mind.

For dwarf and semi dwarf trees, 12-14’ of space should be maintained between them and if there are multiple rows, try to keep at least 18’ distance between them. Also, it is important to leave space for further addition of trees in the future.

Fruit Tree Care Tips to Follow for Healthy Fruit Trees

While these tips can be used to take care of any pants, these are especially required in keeping a check on fruit trees.


Anybody who has ever planted a tree or taken care of a tree in their lives will calltol you that this is one of the most basic things that you can do to ensure that your plant remains healthy. The NGA (National Gardening Agency) recommends that you prune the branches that grow at the base of the tree (suckers) and the branches that spring up from horizontal branches (water-sprouts).

The reason why these branches need to be pruned is that these will not provide any fruit. Instead they will overcrowd the other branches and increase the chance of likely diseases and infestations.


These do not need to be performed by a professional, you can do it on your own. You just have to keep a track of the trees and keep an eye out for any form of infection or diseases. In case you find any and could not find an easy remedy, it is recommended to contact experts.

Fertilizing and Mulching

According to the NGA, adding fertilizer at the base of young trees, a few inches from the trunk, and along the drip line of older trees will help promote healthy growth of the trees.

Organic mulch is one of the best things to help conserve water, control weed infestations, and provide organic matter to the topsoil.

Thinning It Out

Every tree is likely to produce more fruit than they can bear. So there is a chance of branches breaking under the excessive weight. So it is important to thin out the produce.

Also, this will help eliminate disease ridden fruits and keep the rest of the produce healthy. Do keep the healthiest fruits on the tree until the drop occurs naturally.

Spread the Branches

When the trees are young, you should encourage strong branch and crotch angles by spacing the branches out. This will help the tree in future to grow up into a healthy one. You can spread tight angles by placing wooden blocks between them. Or you could tie weights to younger branches that you want to grow more horizontally.

Contact Specialists for Help

Yes, your orchard is your brainchild. But there is no harm in taking help of specialists who know more about gardening. So, if you have any issue with your orchard, or if you are stuck in a sticky situation regarding your garden it is advised to contact a tree service company.

If you wish to learn more about caring for trees and how to maintain fruit trees, contact us today.